9 piezas encontradas
Resultados 1 - 9
- Romanza
Guitar Solo - Compositor
- Anonymous
- Instruments
- Guitarra
- Marxa Reial
Piano, Orgue Typeset by Johan Schoone, from La Marxa Reial és la denominació tradicional, conjuntament amb la de Marxa Granadera, que rep l'himne nacional d'Espanya, a...
- Compositor
- Anonymous
- Mazurek Dąbrowskiego
Veu, Piano Typeset by Johan Schoone, from Mazurek Dąbrowskiego AFI [maˈzurɛɡ dɔ̃brɔfˈskʲɛɡɔ] és l'himne nacional de Polònia escrit per Józef Wybicki l'any 1797. Fou ...
- Compositor
- Anonymous
- Oj, svijetla majska zoro
Veu, Piano, Trio Typeset by Johan Schoone, from Oj, svijetla majska zoro es el himno nacional de Montenegro. Su origen se encuentra en una popular canción folclórica entre...
- Compositor
- Anonymous
- A Toy
Guitar Duet Short Lute piece from Jane Pickering's Lute book c 1615-50. Guitar 1 is as original and can be played solo.
- Compositor
- Anonymous
- Instruments
- Guitar duet
- Sansoen Phra Barami
Veu, Piano Typeset by Johan Schoone, from "Sansoen Phra Barami" is the royal anthem of Thailand. It was a de facto national anthem of Siam before 1932.
- Compositor
- Anonymous
- The Sailor's Hornpipe
Guitar Trio Dates from the 18th century and is also known as the 'College Hornpipe' or 'Jack's the Lad.' Play as fast as you can!! The Sailor's Hornpipe is a traditional hornpipe melody with origins in the Royal ...
- Compositor
- Anonymous
- Instruments
- Guitarra
- Opo kondreman
Veu, Piano Typeset by Johan Schoone, from God zij met ons Suriname o Opo Kondreman és l'Himne Nacional Surinamès. La cançó és bilingüe i és composta per dues estro...
- Compositor
- Anonymous
- 6 Popular German Waltzes
Anonymously (c.19th) arranged for solo guitar.
- Compositor
- Anonymous
- 6 Popular German Waltzes