Ressenyes de Tosca Vocal score (Italian)
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10 crítica(s)
Tosca Vocal score (Italian) based on 10 reviews.It's wonderful to see the details of Puccini's incredible work. After living and working with an Italian family while I was in high school, I learned Italian opera. The family was the Tinti's from Bologna, Italy and their restaurant was in Agawam, Massachusetts, USA.
I've grown to appreciate the romantic grandeur and majesty of the Italian singers and composers of opera. Listening to grand opera during a quiet Wednesday afternoon at the restaurant while touching up murals of Marco Polo presenting spaghetti to the people of Venice will always be a treasured memory.
Now I can follow the score while enjoying Puccini.
Thank you- Ronald Lyons · 17 abril 2020
Suposo que tant jo com la resta d'usuaris de Cantorion opinem que és de gran utilitat, tant per a l'aficionat, com és el meu cas, com per als estudiants de música, a causa de la gran varietat de temes que abasta i la facilitat amb què es accedeix a ells. Personalment, el que més utilitzo són les partitures i els concerts. Gràcies.
- Emilio Barrenetxea · 13 octubre 2011